Another Busy Day Off (or Getting Everything Done and Nothing Done At The Same Time)

Yesterday was my day off for the week. But that’s hopefully about to change! As of right now, starting February 4th I will be back to my old work schedule. I will still be working 6 days a week, but 2 of those days will be half days that end no later than 2pm (so I can still get things done during the day).

And this week will be a short work week for me since Saturday I will be doing my first 5K for the year, the Color Run! I’ve decided that I really want to protect my hair (I think my hairstylist friend, Erin, will appreciate that), so I made a stop today to Party City to pick up some supplies.


I’ve decided to go pink for the 5K. So I have a pink wig, pink gloves, possibly pink shorts (I ordered them online and waiting for them to arrive before I decide), and I wanted to find some pink sunglasses but instead found some blue and silver Elvis style ones. I will totally be looking awesome.

And I’m excited because 2 of the 3 people on my team have said that they are thinking of walking with me! I had been preparing myself to walk solo again, but now I’m looking forward to maybe having some buddies with me to enjoy getting covered in colored cornstarch!

I also spent my morning on Monday at my usual spin class at SoulCycle with Sal. I’m sad because I’ll have to find a different class when my schedule goes back to normal, but fortunately Sal also teaches a Sunday evening class and I should be able to attend that one (any readers want to come with me sometime?). I really love Sal’s class. He is so motivating and never points out that I’m not doing all the jumps and standing up moves in class.

I left class sweaty like I like it.


(I’m wearing one of the new tamis I ordered when I wrote this post)

And I spent my evening catching up on some TV and just enjoying the calm of my house. It’s exactly what I needed to get me ready for 4 days of work leading up to my 5K!

BTW, the podcast I work for is doing a fitness challenge. It’s a 90 day challenge and most people are going to be doing P90X. I won’t since I have to be careful with high impact activities, but I’m still participating. If you are interested in joining us, here’s the link for the FB group.

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